Ficha de Trabalho – Daily Activities (2)
Blue Monday
This morning I woke up late, my alarm did not go off. But I still had some time on hand. I made the bed and all was going according to plan. And that is when it all started.
I first went to the toilet, and when I decided to flush the toilet, no water came out, I tried again and again. The toilet is broken, and the most terrible smell ever is now coming from it. I look at the watch and realized I can’t fix it now, I am late. I started to shave and then nicked myself with the razor. It was bleeding, but I had no time to worry about it. I was getting later.
As I got into the shower to turn on the hot water, there wasn’t any, so here we go, a cold shower. Then I realized that I forgot to buy shampoo, soap it will be today. Then I got dressed and because I was in a rush, I ripped off one of my shirt’s buttons. Grab another shirt, nothing will match today. The nick on my face was still bleeding, I decided to put some of my girlfriend’s makeup on it, and it burned, and just looked very bad.
Back into the bathroom to do my hair, oh no, the smell, I can’t be in here. I almost threw up. One two three, hold your breath, aaauuuuhh. My hair is done.
There is no time to have breakfast today, I will grab something at the office. As I got to my motorcycle, I saw I had a flat tyre. I will have to catch a bus today to go to work. Maybe I should just go back to bed, or not, that smell will kill me. I think I should phone the plumber.
1. Complete the questions below from the text above
True or false, if true, copy the sentence from the text, if it is false, correct it from the text.
- He forgot to set his alarm. _________________________________________________
- There wasn’t any toilet paper. ____________________________________________
- He cut himself shaving. ___________________________________________________
- He tried to fix the toilet. ___________________________________________________
- At least he had hot water in the shower. ___________________________________
- He ripped off the button on his pants. _____________________________________
- He always puts makeup on. ______________________________________________
- He does his hair in the bathroom. _________________________________________
- He will have breakfast at work. ___________________________________________
- He always catches the bus on Monday. ___________________________________
2. Match column A with column B
Column A | Column B | |
a. toothbrush b. razor c. Geyser d. plumber e. Blue Monday | 1. a person that fixes toilets and pipes 2. Water heater 3. To brush your teeth 4. A horrible bad day 5. To shave with |
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