Teste de avaliação – Unidade 1 (1)

Read the text.

35, Bond Street

London, England

January, 20th 2009

Dear friend,

My name is Mary Smith and I’m sixteen. My address is 56, Bridge Street. My phone number is 25695982. I’ve got blue eyes and straight dark hair. I’m medium height, elegant and good looking. My favourite hobby is aerobics and playing with my little dog Ronnie.

My father is dentist and my mother is a housewife. I have got no brother or sisters.

We live in a detached house. Our house has got ten rooms.

I attend Brooke’s School in London, the capital city in South of England. It’s a school for boys and girls.

I’m very good at History and Science and I like sports very much but Geography is my favourite subject. I’m not very good on Math.

Please write soon and tell me about yourself! And send photos!



1. According to the text, mark the following statements true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

a)   Mary is a sixteen-year-old school girl.  
b)   Her surname is Hillary.  
c)    She is slim and good-looking.  
d)   Her favourite subject is Math.  
e)    She is good at Math.  
f)      She has got a brother and a sister.  


2. Ask the following questions about the text.

What’s her full name? ____________________________________________________

How old is she? __________________________________________________________

What’s her address? _____________________________________________________

What’s her phone number? ______________________________________________

Where is she from? _______________________________________________________

Is she Portuguese? _______________________________________________________

What colour are her eyes? _______________________________________________

Is she very tall? __________________________________________________________

What is she like? _________________________________________________________

What is her mother’s job? ________________________________________________

Has she got any brother our sisters? ______________________________________

How many rooms has their house got? ___________________________________

Where is Mary’s school? _________________________________________________


3. Complete with verb to be.

____________Pat from the USA? Yes, she ____________. She ____________ American.

Pat ____________ ten years old. She ____________ eleven years old.

Pat and Jack ____________ friends. They ____________ from England.

I ____________ from Portugal. I ____________ from Spain.

Jack ____________ Twelve years old.

____________ you from France? No, I ____________. I ____________ from Spain.

What ____________ his nationality? ____________ he Italian?

No, he ____________. He ____________ Greek.

How old ____________ Pat and Amy? ____________ they twelve?

No, they ____________. They ____________ Eleven years old.


4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb have got.

Jane and Sarah  ____________ a baby brother.

Jane’s father ____________ a new camera.

____________ you ____________ a sister? Yes, I ____________.

Jane ____________ (not) new clothes.

Jane: “I ____________ a new t-shirt”.

____________ she ____________ a car? No, she ____________.


5. Follow the model.

6. Describe yourself.



  1. Caso tenhas alguma dúvida ou algo que aches que devemos melhorar entra em contacto connosco.
  2. No caso de detectares algum erro nos apontamentos,  podes reportar através do nosso e-mail – [email protected] porque queremos estar constantemente a melhorar para ti.
  3. Se queres ver os teus testes e/ou trabalhos expostos na nossa página então podes enviá-los para [email protected].
  4. Os conteúdos da nossa página vão sendo actualizados porque estamos constantemente a melhorá-la.


O Bem Explicado – Centro de Explicações Lda. é um centro de explicações com sede no concelho de Loures. A nossa página surgiu inicialmente para servir como base de dados de todo o material que fomos elaborando ao longo dos anos mas posteriormente reparamos na grande procura por parte de alunos, professores e encarregados de educação. Surgiu assim uma oportunidade de ajudar todos aqueles que não podiam frequentar o nosso espaço físico, ou por dificuldades financeiras ou pela distância.

O nosso principal objectivo é ajudar-te no teu percurso escolar. Sendo assim disponibilizamos os nossos conteúdos de forma gratuita (até ao 9º Ano) e, para que isso continue a acontecer, agradecemos que não haja qualquer cópia ou reprodução dos conteúdos elaborados pelo “Bem Explicado – Centro de Explicações Lda.” porque isso fará com que este projecto termine.

Sendo assim, agradecemos que colabores connosco para que possamos continuar a ajudar-te neste teu grande percurso!

Bem Explicado – Porque o nosso objectivo é o teu Sucesso escolar!

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