Teste de avaliação – Unidade 3 (2)

A school in the jungle

Mecias is ten years old and he lives in a village in the middle of the Brazilian rain forest. The only way to get there is by boat. Until recently, there was no electricity and there were no phones in the village.

“In my village, there are a few houses surrounded by the jungle, which has lots of animals and birds. We go fishing in canoes built by the people here in the village. There is a crocodile in the village port!

At my school there are nineteen children, aged between four and sixteen years old. We all study in the same classroom. We have wireless internet and a computer! We study mathematics, the Portuguese language, history, natural science and geography. We learn not to throw rubbish into the river, not to kill the animals, and not to cut down trees.”

Susan Hughhes, Off to Class: Incredible and Unusual Schools Around the World (abridged and adapted)


Jungle – selva

Surrounded – rodeadas

Throw – atirar

Kill – matar

Cut down – abater


1. Read the text carefully and choose the right option:

a. Mecias lives…

____ in the city centre.

____ in the middle of the forest.

b. There are many…

____ animals and birds in the jungle.

____ houses and cars in the jungle.

c. There is a crocodile in the village…

____ school.

____ port.

d. In the classroom…

____ there are many computers.

____ there is one computer.

e. Mecias learns…

____ to protect the environment.

____ to throw rubbish into the river.


2. Answer these questions about the text.

How old is Mecias? 

Where does he live? 

How many children are there at his school? 

Do the children study in different classrooms? 

What subjects does Mecias study? 


3. Complete the paragraph about Mecias with the missing prepositions.

Mecias is a very hard-working boy. He is never late ______________ school and always pays attention to his teacher. He is interested ______________ sciences and music.

He is famous ______________ his songs. He is kind ______________ his classmates and helps them when they have doubts. He is afraid ______________ crocodiles.


4. What does Mecias’s teacher tell her students?

Complete the sentences with an adverb.

Listen ______________________ (careful), please.

Talk ______________________ (quiet) while doing your group work.

Speak ______________________ (loud), please!

You are behaving ______________________ (terrible) today.

You are singing ______________________ (beautiful) Mecias.


5. Underline the right possessive pronoun to complete the sentences.

Mecias, there are some books on the desk. Are they your / yours.

No, they aren’t mine / my. They belong to the school library.

Mecias has got eighteen classmates. This classroom in they / theirs.

The teacher can’t find her iPad. Is that iPad her / hers?

We have got a computer. These videogames are our / ours.


6. Label the picture with the school subjects.

Teste de avaliação – Unidade 3


7. What’s your school like? And your schoolmates? Write about them.



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1 Comment

  • by maria Posted Março 7, 2024 6:34 pm

    o bem explicado é uma aplicação muito boa

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