Teste de avaliação – Unidade 4 (2)

Read the dialogue.

My last week

Hi! My name is Usain Bolt and I’m a runner. I’m from Jamaica. I have got three gold medals from the 2008 Olympic Games! Now I’m famous, I’m very busy.

Last week, I was in Jamaica. On Monday, I was at Emmanuel Prep School in Mandeville. The children were very friendly. They showed me their school and I talked to them about my family, my hobbies and sports. I also played football with them.

On Tuesday, I was at my parents’ house. I stayed there all day. My mum and dad were very happy to see me.

On Wednesday, I was with my coach. I trained for three hours on the track.

On Thursday, I was tired, so I rested all day. In the evening, I listened to music and danced a lot, because I love music and dancing.


1. Complete the sentences with information from the text.

Last Monday, Usain _________________________ School.

On Tuesday, he _________________________ house.

On Wednesday, he _________________________ track.

On Thursday evening, he _________________________ a lot.

On Friday, he _________________________ in the USA.


2. Answer these questions about the text.

Who is Usain?

Why is he famous?

What did the children show him?

Were his parents happy to see him?

Why did he rest on Thursday?


3. Complete each sentence with an object personal pronoun (him, etc.).

Usain is running now. Look at ______________.

His gold trainers are fantastic! Look at ______________.

That is his sports bag. I like ______________.

Look at that girl! Do you know ______________?

We’re going to the gym now. Come with ______________.


4. Complete the dialogue with: was/were or wasn’t/weren’t.

You: Where ______________ you last Saturday?

Usain: On Saturday morning, I ______________ on the track.

You: ______________ your coach with you?

Usain: No, he ______________. I ______________ alone.

You: ______________ there many fans watching you?

Usain: No, there _____________ many fans. There _____________ only some athletes training.


5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple.

Last Sunday, Usain ______________ (stay) at home, ______________ (watch) TV, ______________ (listen) to music, ______________ (cook) his lunch and ______________ (rest). He ______________ (not train) on the track and he ______________ (not jump) in the gym.


6. Imagine you are talking to Usain. Complete the questions.


Last Monday, I was at Emmanuel Prep School in Mandeville.


On Tuesday, I visited my parents.


I listened to music and danced on Thursday evening.


7. Write a short text about Usain Bolt. Use the information in the box.

NicknameLightning Bolt
Born21st August 1986
Place of birthTrelawny, Jamaica
Height1.95 m
Weight93.9 kg
Brothers/sistersOne brother and one sister
HobbiesListening to music and dancing



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