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Teste de avaliação – Unidade 3 (1)

Teste de avaliação – Unidade 3 (1)

1. Read about Amelia’s visit to the House in the Clouds and answer the questions.

The House in the Clouds

          As we were walking into the house, the first thing we noticed was a large kitchen on the ground floor, with views of the garden. Next to the kitchen, there was a small bathroom and a dining room with doors to a patio. It looked like a nice place to eat!

          Then, we walked up to the first floor and found a comfortable living room. I was thinking to myself, ‘What a great place to relax on a cold, rainy day!’ On the next floor, there were two bedrooms with one small bathroom between them.

          Next, we walked upstairs to the third floor. I was starting to get tired! There was a big bedroom on that floor, with a private bathroom. Then, the fourth floor had two more bedrooms and another bathroom. What a lot of rooms!

          Finally, we arrived at the top floor of the house and walked into another living room. It was enormous, with big windows and a balcony. When I was standing on the balcony, I could see the village and the coast in the distance. What a fantastic place to live!


Which rooms were there on the ground floor?

Where was the living room?

What did Amelia find on the second floor?

Why was Amelia feeling tired?

Was there a balcony on the third floor?

Did Amelia like the top floor? Why?

How many bedrooms were there at the house in the clouds?


2. Complete the sentences with places at home.

There are three ______ in my home: one for my parents, one for my sister and one for me.

My mum and dad cook in the ______.

They’re playing football in the ______.

In sunny weather I like to sit on the ______ and look down at the garden.

Judy is having a shower in the ______.

My dad puts his car in the ______ in winter.

I go up the ______ to get to my bedroom.

We eat our lunch and dinner in the ______ room but we have breakfast in the kitchen.

The stairs in a house are usually in the ______ but not always.

We all watch TV in the ______. We sit on the sofa.


3. Write the plural forms.

man tooth
child secretary
book potato
wife language


4. Write about your best friend. When did you first meet her/him? Where? What did you do together on that day? Did you visit her/his house? Can you describe it?



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