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Ficha de Trabalho – Past Simple Vs Present Perfect (1)

Ficha de Trabalho – Past Simple Vs Present Perfect (1)

1. Read the following article about fashion. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.

  Here in France I (1) ______________ young people in high heels, wearing a lot of make-up and with carefully combed hair, even when they (2) ______________ anywhere special. The lady I have lived with here (3) ______________ the past two years has helped me learn to knit. She is a knitting-machine! She (4) ______________ to knit because she and her siblings had to knit socks and gloves during the war, or they (5) ______________ very cold.

Making quilts, knitting accessories and editing clothing has (6) ______________ become popular among young people in England for a while. In Falmouth, the hometown of fine Arts University in the south of England, the streets are full of students wearing clothes they’ve (7) ______________ bought from vintage markets, from charity shops or which they’ve made themselves. Anything goes.

For the young people of Britain any hair colour, style and shape has the potential to be liked. 

I went to a charity shop this morning and (8) ______________ myself two items of clothing for 3 euros in total, I wondered why French young people haven’t learned to buy from such shops (9) ______________. One student at school here said to me that she (10) ______________ it was a shame as being able to wear whatever you want allows you to express your personality through your clothes.

(changed and abridged)

1.A. have come acrossB. came acrossC. come across
2.A. didn’t wentB. wentC. haven’t gone
3.A. sinceB. forC. yet
4.A. learnt(ed)B. has learnt(ed)C. didn’t learn
5.A. getB. gotC. have got
6.A. yetB. alreadyC. just
7.A. agoB. justC. already
8.A. buyB. have boughtC. bought
9.A. yetB. alreadyC. ever
10.A. thinkB. thoughtC. has thought


2. Order the words to write meaningful sentences and don’t forget to write the verb in the correct tense.

The first one is done for you. 

Weekend / to a vegetarian / restaurant / go / last / I /. – I went to a vegetarian restaurant last weekend. 

London / 2 times / I / visit /.

supermarket / mum / go / the / to / just. 

July / finish / last / exams / I / my /.

buy / yesterday / I / new dress / a /.

never / I / Dior / try /.



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