Teste de avaliação – Unidade 3 (3)

Top school = Top days

Elise: Today I’m writing about my new school, Jackson School, in New York. It’s very big and modern. There are about 40 classrooms and five sports fields. It has got a big gym and a canteen where I usually have lunch with my schoolmates. Next to the canteen, there is an assembly hall. It is my favourite spot because my friends and I can listen to our favourite songs and play cards there. We also love the playground and when it’s sunny we sit under some tress and relax.

It’s a top school, so my school days are very cool. Classes start at 9 a.m. every day, so I have to wake up at 7:30 a.m. The teachers are great and I learn many different subjects: English, history, science, geography, maths, ICT, art music and physical education.

I’m good at history but my favourite subject is music because I love playing the guitar and singing.

I really love my school!

What about your school? Tell me all about it!

#top #school #days


1. Tick (√) the correct option.

a. Elise’s school is in…

____ Newark.

____ New York.

____ New Orleans.

b. Elise wakes up at…

____ half past seven.

____ seven o’clock.

____ nine o’ clock.


2. These sentences are wrong. Correct them.

Elise goes to Jacksonville School.

There are fourteen classrooms in her school.

Elise and her friends sit and play under the playground trees.

She loves playing the guitar and dancing.


3. Answer these questions about the text. Give complete answers.

What is Elise’s school like?

Where does Elise have lunch with her schoolmates?

Why is the assembly hall her favourite spot?

What time do her classes start?


4. Label the picture with the school subject.

 Teste de avaliação – Unidade 3


 5. Circle the correct school facility.

My friends and I have lunch in the classroom / canteen.

I usually go to the library / music room to read and study for the tests.

We have P.E. lessons in the stationer’s / gym.

Victoria likes listening to music and playing games in the art room / assembly hall.

She sings and she plays the guitar in the music room / computer room.


6. Complete the sentences with the correct after school clubs.

Teste de avaliação – Unidade 3


7. Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Mike ________________________ (catch) the school bus.

We ________________________ (not play) football in the Sports Club.

________________________ (Maggie / go) to the Art Club? No, she ________________________.

Susan and her classmates ________________________ (prepare) for the maths test.


8. Fill the gaps with the correct preposition: in, at or of.

We’re interested ______ theatre, so we’re in the Drama Club.

Peter isn’t very good ______ history but he is brilliant ______ science.

I’m angry ______ my sister because she’s always late for school.

Julie and Marcy are proud ______ their school report.


9. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the comparative of superiority.

Elise is ________________________ (funny) Mike.

Victoria is ________________________ (small) Elise.

Lena is ________________________ (interested) her brother.

Martha is ________________________ (good) Peter at school.

Trainers are ________________________ (comfortable) boots.


10. Answer Elise and write a short post (25 – 35 words) about your school.

Don’t forget to mention the location, how many rooms there are, the places outside the building and tour favourite room/place at school.



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